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Shooting Holiday To Portugal

Clay Shooting In Portugal

Unfortunately you have missed this year’s trip, but keep an eye out for nest year. The details from November 2024 are still here to give you an idea of what it is all about. Catch you on the next one!

How would you like to be shooting in the sunshine?
Here is the chance to take a holiday on The Algarve, Southern Portugal.
We have made arrangements with Club De Tiro O Pinhal, near the town of Algõz, to shoot at their facilities from 5th to 12th November 2024.

Special Note:– Time is getting on, so if you wish to go on this trip you need to book before the end of July. After this, there may not be enough time to get your import license back from the Portuguese authorities (required to take your gun). There is also limited availability on flights in November. Please also be aware, it is illegal to hire firearms in Portugal, therefore if you do not take your gun, there is no guarantee of being able to shoot whilst you are there. If you have any questions, we are here to help.

Please book ASAP to avoid disappointment

You can see what is available at the shooting ground by clicking on this link O Pinhal Shooting Ground

Please Note; we are NOT a travel agent, so cannot book any part of this holiday on your behalf. However we have been on this trip many times in the past and are providing you with the information for you to make your own arrangements to go. We will help as best as we can, but it is YOUR responsibility to ensure all documents and arrangements are correct.

The dates for the shoot are now confirmed as between 5th to 12th November 2024. However, there is no reason that you cannot go for a longer or shorter holiday and, this will be subject to flight availability from your chosen airport.

Can I take my own gun? Yes you can take your own gun, however, as you might imagine there are some formalities to take care of first. Firstly not all airlines will carry firearms, so it is very important to check before you book. All airlines who will carry firearms treat them as extra baggage in the same was as golf clubs, surf boards etc and there will be a fee of around £37 to pay for this. You will also need an approved invitation from the shooting ground. We have a form to request this invitation for those who wish to go, and again, there is a fee of €30 paid to the club on arrival for the registration of each gun.

Wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, partners etc are also welcome if they wish to come along.

We will provide further information in due course, to give you a better understanding of what is involved. In the meantime, if you have any specific questions, please feel free to ask, we will do our best to answer them.



Portugal Trip 2024 Poster 2

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Portugal Trip 2024 Prices 2 0224

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Portugal Trip 2024 Booking Procedure

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Import/Export Request Form

EasyJet Firearms Declaration

Firearms In Transit



O Pinhal Shooting Complex

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Local Area And Eating Out

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When are we going?

We can now confirm the dates are between the 5th and 12th of November 2024. You are free to book for longer if you wish, but the shoot week is as stated. You will still be able to use the shooting club facilities if you book for a longer trip. Just let the club know when you complete your forms for the club.

So, what is the procedure?

Now that the UK has left the EU, there are a couple of additional formalities to take care of. To be able to take your gun into Portugal, you will need an invitation to shoot at the club. You will also need to have your gun registered with the Portuguese authorities by way of a temporary import/export licence. We have a form which you can complete and return via email to the shooting club. There is a fee to pay for this, which we have been advised will be €30 per gun, payable on arrival at the club. In addition, you will have to provide copies of your passport and shotgun certificate emailed at the same time.

You will need to have all your booking, hotel and flight information to complete the registration form. This form must be sent to the shooting ground not less than 12 weeks before travel to ensure enough time to have the information processed by the Portuguese authorities. Completed forms and accompanying documents should be emailed to ctopinhal@gmail.com

Which airlines carry firearms?

As best as we can tell the following airlines will carry sporting firearms :-

British Airways, Iberia, SAS, TAP Air Portugal and Easyjet. From the information we can find, it looks like Easyjet is the best price option. However, please feel free to check for other carriers if you wish.

Hays Travel in the White Rose Centre, Leeds have offered us a package deal using EasyJet from Manchester Airport.

Whichever airline you choose, you must check with them and follow their procedures, and provide any documentation they request.

Your guns must be in a hard case for transportation, they cannot be in gun-slips.

What happens at the airport?

On arrival at your departure airport, you will need to inform the check-in desk that you are carrying firearms and that the police will need to be notified.

Your gun/s will be inspected by Customs and/or Police and documentation checked. Once this is completed, your guns will be taken away by security to be loaded directly onto the plane.

On arrival at Faro airport, your guns are generally taken to the lost/damaged luggage office. (However, there have been times when the baggage handlers have put them on the carousel with the normal bags.) In either case, you will have to declare your guns to the Portuguese authorities, this is where your invitation to shoot at the club is required. Following this, you then need to make your way to car hire and then on to Vilamoura.

Directions from airport to Ampalius & Dom Pedro Marina

Gun storage in Portugal.

There is no problem taking your gun with you to the hotel initially. Whilst you can keep your gun at the hotel when not in use, it is strongly recommended to take guns up to the club and place them in the armoury there for safekeeping. This is generally free of charge.

Directions from Vilamoura to Shooting Ground

Return journey – Faro airport.

On the day of departure from Portugal, take your gun and documentation to the police office in Faro airport. (The police office is on the main concourse towards the arrivals area.) The gun and documentation will be inspected again. In the past, we have had a sticker applied to the case which states “FIREARMS UNLOADED” the case is then taken to the check-in desk and you will be advised of what will happen. (do not be surprised if this is different when you travel, they have a habit of changing the procedures there!)

On arrival back in the UK, generally the guns are separated by security and taken to the goods to declare desk. Show the officer there your documentation and then you are on your way. Again, do not be surprised if this differs slightly, depending on the staff available and any security concerns at the airport.


You are free to choose any type of accommodation that suits you. We have in the past stayed in the Ampalius Hotel in the town of Vilamoura though last year we used the Dom Pedro Marina Hotel.

Vila Gale Ampalius

Dom Pedro Marina Hotel

Directions from airport to Ampalius & Dom Pedro Marina

Traveling around and, to and from the shooting ground.

Vilamoura is approximate 25 mins from Faro airport.

The shooting ground is approximately 40/45 mins from Vilamoura. Clearly a hire car is essential and again there are several to choose from, most of which are on airport, however some have a shuttle-bus to an off airport office.

Please be aware that the main A22 road is a toll road and you will be charged for its use. You can avoid tolls by sticking to the EN125 which runs parallel to the A22.

Please observe the speed limits, there are lots of mobile speed enforcement cameras and the fines are both expensive and instant. You have to pay at the roadside.

And please also drive on the right, most other people do, other than tourists!!!