Non-Members Welcome
Just a couple of things to note:-
Non-members who possess a valid shotgun certificate are welcome to join us on any of our published dates.
All non-members must produce a valid shotgun certificate to shoot.
All non-members must be insured. Either individually or by completing one of our club forms, which can be obtained via this link Guest Registration In either case you will need show a form of insurance when booking on.
Non-members are not allowed to bring non-certificate holding guests to carry out any form of tuition, without being in possession of an instructors qualification and instructors liability insurance. Again these must be produced when booking on.
Non-members may bring non-certificate holding guests who have shooting experience, if the certificate holder has valid current insurance and, is prepared to accept full responsibility for the guest whilst on the shooting ground. Neither party will be covered by club insurance and will be required to complete an indemnity form. Insurance Indemnity Transfer Form
Any non-member without supervision of a certificate holder who wishes to shoot; should book on to the Have-a-Go scheme in advance. We cannot accept Have-a-Go entry on the day.
All non-members are deemed to have accepted to be bound by the club rules when booking on to shoot.
Please contact us if you require any further information.